Friday, April 23, 2021

Full sentence speech outline

Full sentence speech outline

full sentence speech outline

SAMPLE FULL-SENTENCE OUTLINE: COMMUNICATION CONCEPT Communication Concept Speech: Identity Scripts Topic: Identity Scripts help us define ourselves from the time we were children. Purpose: To teach the audience what identity scripts are, and why they are important in Persuasion Speech Full-Sentence Outline. Outline for class. University. California State University East Bay. Course. Public Speaking (COMM ) Academic year. / Helpful? 1 0. Share. Comments. Please sign in or register to post comments. Students also viewed. Public Speaking Final Paper Narrative Speech Full Setence Outline Narrative Demonstration Speech: Full Sentence Outline Template [Type Your Title Here] Introduction: I. Hook: [Write your actual opening sentences here. Your hook should capture audience attention and lead directly into the thesis. It’s often a good idea to imply your expertise, as well.]

Public Speaking - Informative Speech Full Sentence Outline

Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, full sentence speech outline, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. SlideShare Explore Search You. Submit Search.

Home Explore. Successfully reported this slideshow. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads, full sentence speech outline. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Public Speaking - Informative Speech Full Sentence Outline. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! Informative speech outline sample by Влад Панасенко views Informative speech process outline by Earl The-ZebraKing views Graphic organizers by Jeanalyn Javier views Rock Cycle Concept Map by dhmcmillan views figures of speech by suraniamreen views Brainstorming by BSEPhySci14 views.

Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. Like Liked. Zhen Jane Qin. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Merced Ewayan. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Public Speaking - Informative Speech Full Sentence Outline 1. Round 3 Full Sentence Speech Outline Newly Adopted Health Diagnostic Codes ICD Jane Qin October I. Introduction: A. Attention Getter: Have you ever thought about how your health diagnosis is full sentence speech outline and documented in the national health-care system by your doctors?

You may also wonder how insurance companies analyze your diagnostic results and decide whether or not to accept your request for clinical payments refund. If so, you will leave the computers having no idea about how to deal with those complicated sentences, since they are not as smart as you guys!

AA The International Classification of Diseases known as ICD is created to make it possible for computers to record and analyze different diseases and the tenth version ICD was just adopted in this October. Benefits to Audience: I believe that you will be interested in this speech because the transition from ICD-9 to ICD has a direct influence on your future health-care records and insurance reimbursements AA. ICD, which I will talk about today, will embrace more specific and accurate classifications that define your diseases and injuries, as a result, your health insurance claims will be affected AA.

Thesis: Today, I would like to talk about the newest version of health diagnosis codes called ICD, which was just adopted on October 1st Preview: In the speech, we will first talk about what ICD is as well as the reason why it was adopted, full sentence speech outline, and then the potential and further effect of the transition from ICD-9 to ICD on health-care providers, insurers and us patients AA.

Transition: First, I'm going to explain what ICD is and its difference from previous version ICD Main Point 1: The newest version of health diagnostic codes ICD was just adopted on October 1st ICD, which stands for International Classification of Diseases, is a set of codes consisting full sentence speech outline alphabets and numbers which are used full sentence speech outline classify diseases and injuries and record diagnostic results as well as treatment methods for future analysis and insurance billing.

ICD is the tenth version. DEF B. Second, let me briefly introduce how ICD works. the records into standardized codes which computer software can recognize. ICD has been published for about 16 years and used worldwide but was finally adopted by the United States recently in this October, full sentence speech outline.

It is also mentioned in the above article that before the final settlement in this October, the new codes were held back twice in and respectively due to technical drawbacks and groups interruption. Compared to the previous version ICD-9, ICD implements more features and specific and accurate classifications as well as more full sentence speech outline being used. One code is used to record one diagnosis. In ICD, the first 3 characters stands for disease categories and the remaining four characters represent the location, severity and even more detailed information of diseases.

DEF b. For instance, the codes for injuries to the knee and lower leg start with the first three characters from S80 to S89, said in full sentence speech outline article mentioned above.

Furthermore, the article also told us that the classification of diseases and injuries is more detailed than before. For example, if there is a fracture on your arm, in ICD, full sentence speech outline, which bone is broken should be recorded which is not necessary in ICD- 9. According to a July-August article on Journal of Health Care Compliance, the number of codes increased from about 17, in ICD-9 to approximatelyin ICD ST Transition: Now, we are clear about what ICD is, so I am going to discuss the effect of these newly implemented codes.

Main Point 2: The existence of ICD imposes significant impact not only on health-care providers but also on insurance companies and individual patients.

Both positive and negative effects will be likely happen to health-care providers such as hospitals. However, more specification is needed, more cost of money full sentence speech outline time will be unavoidable.

The article points out that staff in health-care system will ask for more rewards due to significant increase in work load which is the result of ICD- 10 implement. It is mentioned in an article on Journal Health Care Compliance full sentence speech outline July-August that employees in the health-care organizations have to be trained specially in order to meet the ICD recording and coding requirements.

For example, doctors have to learn to document more detailed information about patients to make sure that IT staff are able to code in the right way, said in an article on Optometry Times in summer by Mary Pat Johnson, who is a certified Professional Medical Auditor CPMA and a Certified Professional Coder CPC as well as a Certified Ophthalmic Executive COE and Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist COMT. EX ET B. Full sentence speech outline companies and individual patients will also be affected by the implement of ICD The article on Journal Health Care Compliance in July-August points out that theoretically, since coding becomes more specific, less mistakes and ambiguities will happen and more adequate reimbursements are able to be issued.

However, it is also mentioned in the article that rejected claims will also be likely to increase since it is rather difficult to code accurately enough to meet ICD requirements especially at the beginning of the implement.

Transition: In conclusion, IV. Conclusion: A. Review: In my speech today, I talked about the newly adopted codes for health diagnosis ICD in this October.

First, I introduced the definition as well as the improvement from previous version ICD Then, I discussed the effect both on health-care providers such as hospitals and insurance companies as well as individual patients. Johnson, M.

How staff can prep for ICD Optometry Times, CENTAFONT, D. Is Your Organization Ready for the Shift from ICD-9 to ICD? Journal of Health Care Compliance, 17 4 Gonzalez T, Chiodo C. ICD September ; 36 9 Available from: SPORTDiscus, Ipswich, MA. Accessed October 20, Share Clipboard × Facebook Twitter LinkedIn, full sentence speech outline.

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full sentence speech outline

Demonstration Speech: Full Sentence Outline Template [Type Your Title Here] Introduction: I. Hook: [Write your actual opening sentences here. Your hook should capture audience attention and lead directly into the thesis. It’s often a good idea to imply your expertise, as well.]  · A preparation outline is the full sentence outline used to construct and organize all of the components in your speech. Your teacher will rarely ask you to construct a full manuscript for your A sentence outline forces you to write sentences that clearly and completely express the idea of the supporting topic. It forces you to come up or paraphrase longer sentences into concise version but still a complete thought. It should represent the first draft of your actual document. You may also see the simple sentences

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