UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar. All campuses are open for the fall term. See more dates & deadlines» Filling out the application Even though applying to UC is an exciting time in your life, it can also be daunting. But we're here to reassure you - we're Transfer admission planner (TAP) International applicants. Applying for admission; field if there are issues you'd like to address that you didn't have the opportunity to discuss elsewhere on the application. This shouldn't be an essay, but rather a place to note unusual circumstances or anything that might be unclear in other parts of the This personal statement essay requires you to state why you chose to major min the program you are applying for. If you want to transfer to any of the university of California schools, you have to write two-application essay. One of the prompt is what all applicants are required to write to show your essay writing style, referred to as prompt two
How to Write Perfect UC Transfer Application Essays
The University of California UC system, the uc transfer application essay prestigious public education institution in the world, attracts tens of thousands of freshmen and transfer applicants each year. The freshmen admission is highly competitive across UC campuses, particularly at UC Berkeley and UCLA. For example, UCLA alone received more thanfreshmen applications in who competed for roughly 15, seats. Beginning last fall, UC and the California Uc transfer application essay College system began an agreement to expedite the often convoluted transfer process.
The agreement builds on a program that created "transfer pathways," listing which classes community college students should take to qualify for enrollment in 21 of the most popular majors on UC campuses, such as chemistry, English, mathematics and film. Students who complete the curricula for their desired major, as designed by the agreement, and meet the minimum GPA requirement will be guaranteed admission into the UC system.
If students are not admitted to their number one campus, the system will instead place them uc transfer application essay another campus that has space in the chosen major.
So you have followed the transfer pathway at your local community college, and you have managed to achieve a decent GPA. How can your application stand out? The answer is simple: your application essays or, in the UC application term, your answers to the Personal Insight Questions. Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open. Be reflective. Find your individual voice and express it. While this section of the application is just one part we consider when making our admission decision, it helps provide context for the rest of your application.
In other words, your essays are the only way to add character to an otherwise punctuated list of accomplishments. Essays are your best shot at demonstrating personality, uc transfer application essay, explaining how you perceive the world, and describing your most compelling motives.
These ideas tend to get lost in a general transcript. The requirements of Personal Insight Questions for transfer applicants are as follows:. One required question you must answer. You will also need to answer 3 out of 7 additional questions. All of these 7 questions are equal and are given equal consideration in the application review process. There is no advantage or disadvantage to choosing certain questions over others. Each response is limited to a maximum of words.
Consider the following when brainstorming ideas:. How did your interest in your major develop? What other influences culture, uc transfer application essay, community, family, etc. have steered you toward this major? How is your intended major tied to your long-term goals? If you are applying to multiple campuses with a different major at each campus, uc transfer application essay, you need to approach this question from a broader perspective.
The key here is to demonstrate that you are ready—academically, intellectually, and psychologically—to succeed in the upper-division courses for the declared major once you enroll at the university.
Further, since you are applying as a transfer student who is considered more mature than a high school senior, it is important to discuss how continuing the study of this intended major at a four-year college helps you pursue your career and life goals, uc transfer application essay.
College admissions officers are looking for ways in which you fostered mentorship, resolved tension, and organized group effort in the environment surrounding you, e.
You want to draw upon strong examples in which you made a positive impact on others. Remember: Leadership roles are not limited to titled positions or to the school environment. Example 1: You reinvigorated interest in a club that had initially been losing members. Example 2: You inspired a friend or classmate to take a leadership role. Example 3: You organized community events to help promote a cause you deeply care about.
This prompt lends flexibility to how you applied creativity to academic fields, extracurricular endeavors, and beyond. If you are artistic e. Maybe you created your own program to help organize information, or maybe you created a rack to help hold your sports equipment. The opportunities here are broad. Example 1: There was a leak in your home toilet that your parents were about to call a plumber to fix, but you figured it out.
Example 3: You grew up in more than one culture and were adept at blending multicultural elements in your artwork, uc transfer application essay. The real trick to writing a great response to this prompt is by tying character and personality traits to the activity. Describing your specific traits e. tenacity, humility, grit, and compassion that helped you hone your talents is just as important as the skills or talents themselves.
Elaborate on why this activity is worth it to you, and how your character is exhibited through this activity. You also want to address how you have cultivated this talent to display just how much work it took to get to where you are. Example 1: How a character uc transfer application essay of yours made acquiring a skill possible. Example 3: How developing certain skills helped you strengthen your character. This prompt contains two different but related topics: a significant educational opportunity or an educational barrier.
You can write about either topic, or address both if they are related in your case. Define an educational opportunity as anything that has added value to your educational experience and has better prepared you for college. It can be more recent, something you did while attending community college, uc transfer application essay.
For example, if you have taken several advanced online classes related to your major, this would be a great place to share why you did it and what you have learned.
If you choose to go down the educational barriers route, think of barriers broadly. It can be academic e. adapting to the new living and learning environment. Then, more importantly, what personal characteristics or skills did you rely on to overcome this barrier?
How has the process shaped you as a person? How do you plan to use what you have gained in the future? Example 2: Describe how you have managed to deal with a weak academic subject and become a better learner as a result. Example 3: Describe how you have managed to overcome a learning disability and how the process has changed the way you view academic success.
This prompt has two parts: the most significant challenge and its effect on your academic achievement. Maybe you struggled in a certain course. Maybe you had to deal with health issues, family issues, or financial struggles while simultaneously completing your coursework.
It is OK to use this prompt to explain why you may have done sub-par in a particular area of your academics. Or perhaps, your UC application back as a high school senior was unexpectedly rejected; you learned to accept uc transfer application essay rejection and have been working tirelessly for the transfer. Whatever topic you choose, you want to describe the learning and growth that you experienced was involved.
Be sure to share the ways or aspects in uc transfer application essay you matured along the way. It could mean your intellectual goals or your struggle to balance homework with your part-time job. We recommend thinking of the challenge first before deciding whether it could be weaved into something academic. Example 1: Describe working a part-time job while trying to deal with your rigorous academic workload.
Community could also be more abstract, uc transfer application essay, like the culture or ethnicity you identify with. With this in mind, remember that your writing must illustrate your role in the community you have defined. Why do you identify uc transfer application essay this community the most? Questions like these should lead you to demonstrate the positive influence you have made.
Do not overstate your impact. Example 1: Describe a volunteer position or project that really made you feel like a member of your community. Example 2: Use metrics to define your impact on your community.
Example 3: Describe how you assisted a teacher in the class uc transfer application essay helped enhance the learning experience of others.
This is the most open-ended prompt. You can literally write about most anything. If you want to get creative with your writing, this is where to do it. What you write uc transfer application essay this prompt should also not be repetitive of the other three prompts you have chosen.
Instead, use this prompt to write an aspect of you that the admissions uc transfer application essay would never know based on other parts of your application. This is your wildcard. Use this prompt to be as creative as you uc transfer application essay while not being too outlandish, uc transfer application essay. Here are some examples from our students who did well with this prompt:. Example 1: An excerpt of uc transfer application essay novel you were writing.
Example 2: How a religious belief has influenced you. College Counseling. International Services. Tips to Write Great UC Transfer Application Essays. Recent Posts See All. Tips on Adapting to Online Learning, uc transfer application essay.
How to Plan for College in 9th Grade. Peninsula Academy.
reading my UC personal insight questions as a transfer student!
, time: 17:55Applying as a transfer | UC Admissions

· Over the past decade, as the University of California received more applications—, freshman and transfer applications for the class—the admissions committees found themselves unable to make difficult calls on students based solely on test scores and GPAs. That’s why, in , the UC system switched to new “personal insight questions.” UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar. All campuses are open for the fall term. See more dates & deadlines» Filling out the application Even though applying to UC is an exciting time in your life, it can also be daunting. But we're here to reassure you - we're Transfer admission planner (TAP) International applicants. Applying for admission; field if there are issues you'd like to address that you didn't have the opportunity to discuss elsewhere on the application. This shouldn't be an essay, but rather a place to note unusual circumstances or anything that might be unclear in other parts of the
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